Complete Spam Filter Preparations

When your school takes part in the MISO Survey, large numbers of campus community members receive e-mails inviting them to participate in the survey. Your e-mail system’s spam filters sometimes prevent the invitation and reminder e-mails from arriving; this interference greatly lowers your response rates.

To ensure strong response at your institution, please work with your system administrators so that your spam filter permits mail from the MISO Survey e-mail servers and its rate check feature is disabled for e-mails coming from the servers. 

The MISO Survey Team will confer with you and your system administrator in the fall, well in advance of Survey launch, to make certain key configurations (described below) and test your spam preparations. We'll conduct this test by sending a few test messages. These help ensure that the hundreds of messages sent when we go live do not get caught in any spam filtering you might employ. 

Please contact us if your email administrators need more information than what we've provided below.

Necessary configuration


Here are the specific settings you should use.


Your server administrators will need to set up an SPF Record for the Qualtrics servers in order for the messages to look like they are coming from someone on your campus. This will permit the Qualtrics servers to send to your recipients while mimicking an email address from your campus. Please include Qualtrics IP addresses to your SPF record by adding (including quotes) “”. Information about this step is available on the Qualtrics website.


Qualtrics, the survey service MISO uses for survey distribution, has changed its process for domain setup. Please have your email administrator follow steps 11 and 12 on this Qualtrics Support page. You will receive your institution-specific details from the MISO Survey team.  Please note that if you have a DKIM record for your own institution’s instance of Qualtrics, you still need an additional DKIM line for the MISO Survey instance of Qualtrics.

Qualtrics also requires a DMARC record in order for us to send messages to your institution. The DMARC record is an additional layer of protection against spoofing. The only way we can send your messages is to have the setting in place. Qualtrics has provided instructions on how to set up a DMARC record. Please go to step 13 in the instructions on this Qualtrics website.

Important additional information

Microsoft Exchange

We have experienced serious message delivery problems at schools using Microsoft Exchange as their email system. If you use Microsoft Exchange, it is important to set up a mail flow rule so that messages from the MISO Survey project do not end up in the Clutter folder.


In the past we have experienced serious message delivery problems at schools using Barracuda. If you use Barracuda as a spam filtering device it is important to significantly increase the number of connections per minute permitted.