Submit Information for Invitation and Reminder Messages
Your campus community will receive several email messages during the Survey administration period. These messages utilize fixed text that has been proven to deliver high response rates at participating MISO institutions. For these messages to be successful, we need information, such as the name and title of your CIO and/or Library Director, that will make each message appropriate for your institution. Before the Survey launches at your institution, you’ll have an opportunity to review these messages to ensure that the information you submitted was inserted correctly.
These email messages, listed below, are sent according to the MISO Survey timeline.
Survey introduction written and sent by your CIO or Librarian [this is the only message you send from your own campus email system]
Pre-invitation email (for undergraduates only)
Survey invitation email
1st email reminder
2nd email reminder
3rd emal reminder (only used if your response rates are low)
Please review the fixed text for the invitation and reminder messages. The pre-invitation email, invitation email, and reminder emails are sent by the MISO Survey Administrator but they appear to come from the CSA, because potential participants respond well to a personal request for their help.